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 英语课件的设计是一个不断创新不断完善的 '动态过程

 下面要为大家分享的就是七年级仁爱英语课件,希望你会喜 欢!


 Unit1 Topic 2 Where are you from?

 Section C 学习目标:

 学习数字 0-10 及短语 zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten ,telephone, number


 What's his telephone number?

 His telephone number is (010)8267-6790.



 数字的灵活运用 学习难点:听音辨词 学习过程:

 Step 1 复习导入

 ( 复习上节课的重要知识点。


 ( 朗读句子,并标出语调 , 巩固 be from 在不同人称的 应用,复习国家名称。

 ) Step2 问题导学 A. 选择最佳答案

 ( )1 — Are they from Canada? — No, they .

 A. are B. aren 't C. isn 't

 ( )2. — What' s telephone number?

 —It 's 8265 -3412.

 A. you B. your C. my

 ( )3. — are they? — They are XiaoLi and Jane.

 A. Who B. What C. Where

 ( )4.. Mary from Cuba.

 A. is B. am C. are

 ( )5. “ One one zero ” 表示 。

 A. 火警 B. 匪警 C. 急救中心

 ( )6.. — Is he Li Ping? — Yes, .

 A. I 'm B. he 's C. he is

 B. 根据句意及首字母提示填词。

 (5 分 )

 — W are you from? 2. —What's y name?

 —I 'm from Shanghai. — My name is David.

 — Are you f Zhengzhou? —No, we aren 't.

 —What's your telephone n ? —It 's (0 10)8659- 7981.

 — E me, are you Frank? —Yes, I am.

 Step 3 呈现

 ( 示范每个数字的读音,要求学生先静听,再模仿。


 ( 师连续读出这 11 个数字,强调前 10 个数字用升调, 最后一个用降调,并要求学生跟读,培养学生语感。


 ( 做出打电话的动作,理解 telephone number 的意思。

 ) T:What's your telephone number?

 S1:My telephone number is

 Step 4. 精讲点拨

 1— W is he? —He i Xiao Ming.

 — Is she Japan? —No, she .

 — W are they from? —They are from C .

 —What's y QQ number?

 — QQ number is 158141028.

 — she Jane? — , she is.


 重点句型 :

 What's your telephone number? My tel ephone number is

 What's his telephone number?His telephone number is

 当堂检测A从口栏中选出I栏的正确应答语。 I

 ( ) 6. How old are you?

 ( ) 7. Where are you from?

 ( ) 8. What ' s your telephone number?

 ( ) 9. Is Miss Yang your English teacher?

 ( ) 10. Glad to meet you.

 B.用适当的词填空。 Hello! My 1 is Kangkang. 2 am

 from China. This 3 my friend. 4 is his name? His name is Mike. 5 is from the U.S.A. His phone 6 is (010)6534-8719. Miss Zhao 7 my teacher. 8 is she from?

 She is from China, 9 . She is fine. 10 telephone number is (010)6534-8897.

 1. 2 . 3. 4.

 5. 6. 7.

 9. 1 0. 8.



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