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人教版高三英语选修6教案:《Unit 4 Global warming》

2021-04-29 15:29:10 浏览量:

  人的天才只是火花,要想使它成熊熊火焰,哪就只有学习。下面是课件范文网小编为您推荐人教版高三英语选修6教案:《Unit 4 Global warming》。

人教版高三英语选修6教案:《Unit 4 Global warming》


  Teaching Aims:

  In this class Ss will be able to

  ① practice skimming and scanning for information needed like what are the two concerns and what are Earth Care’s suggestions.

  ② Master the phrases such as: put up with, so long as, and so on, make a difference, have no effect on … , by making sentences or by using them into the post er.

  ③ become aware of the serious effects of global warming and the importance of saving energy to be environmentally friendly.

  ④ Summarize the points according to their understanding.

  ⑤ work together to design a poster by using the suggestions in the article.


  Teaching Difficulties:

  Students may find it hard to add more suggestions about how to save energy in our daily life and to summarize the points according to those suggestions. Students may not know clear what is a poster and how to design an attractive and persuasive poster in short time.


  Teaching Procedure:

  Step1. Lead-in (individual & collective work)

  1. Teacher begins the class by asking: Have you ever seen the movie The Day After Tomorrow? and then let students enjoy a short movie clip with the following two questions:

  ① What kinds of disasters have you seen in the film?

  ② Can you guess how they came about (happen)?

  2. introduce the topic: global warming. And then have a further question:

  ①What other disaster will be caused by global warming?

  【Designing Purpose】

  To arouse students’ interest by watching the movie clip and educe the topic, that is global warming. And then by showing a lot of pictures, make students know and understand the terrible effects of global warming, thus making preparations for promoting environmental protection.

  Step2. While Reading (Individual work)

  Skimming: Go through the first letter to f ind:

  ① who is the writer?

  ② what are his two concerns?

  Scanning: Read the second letter and answer the following questions:

  ① Does Earth Care agree with Ouy ang Guang’s opinion that individuals can have no effect?

  ② what are Earth Care’s suggestions?

  ③ Can we carry those suggestions out? Why?

  【Designing Purpose】

  To help the students grasp the main information of the two letters by skimming and scanning. While stud ents get the answer to question1, ask them to find the supporting sentence : Together, individuals can make a difference. We do not have to put up with pollution. Guess the meanings of the two italicized phrases according to the surroundings and their understanding.

  Step3. Post reading (Pair work)

  1. Discussion: Make students discuss whether they can find more ways or suggestions about reducing carbon dioxide and saving energy in our daily life.

  Suggested ways:

  1) Use less hot water 7)Change a light bulb 8)Try car sharing

  2) Take a shower instead of a bath

  3) Buy fresh food instead of frozen

  4) Buy things that are actually in season

  5) Eat less high fat food like KFC and Macdonald

  6) Clean filters(过滤 器) on your air conditioner.

  【Designing Purpose】

  To cultivate students to work in pairs and learn to summarize an opinion and share the knowledge of saving energy in daily life. To practice the ability of understanding the meaning of new words and expressions to remove the obstacles in reading.

  Step4. learn what is a poster (collective work)

  Know what is a poster by giving a simple sample and try to get the structure.

  【Designing Purpose】

  To know clearly a poster should have a heading, contents and an eye-catching slogan, which will make it easy for students to design an acceptable poster.

  Step5. Prepare the poster (individual & group work)

  1. Decide our content s:

  ①Choose and decide five most important suggestions. (individual work)

  ②Write them down on your paper and try to make them persuasive by using imperative

  sentences. (individual work)

  ③Compare your list with your group members and decide five for your poster. (group


  2. Slogan and heading: showing sample posters to help them decide a heading and a slogan for your poster.

  【Designing Purpose】

  This is the most important part of this writing task. Students will be able to summarize and compose sentences by choosing and organizing what they want to say, thus improving their writing ability and the process of output based on what they have learned in reading part. And by learning some sample posters to help them decide their own heading and slogan.

  Step6. produce &show time (group work)

  With the heading, slogan and ways, students will not find it difficult to make a poster. What they

  Should pay attention is how to illustrate their poster and make it more attractive. And then choose several pairs to represent their posters.

  【Designing Purpose】

  Making the poster will improve their cognitive capability of the importance of environmental protection and at the same time they can enjoy a sense of achievement in show time. And they make believe that individuals can really make a difference.



  Put their poster up around the school to make more students know about energy saving and global warming. Write a short passage to tell others how to solve the problem of global warming based on the suggestions you have collected and send it in your QQ zone or blog.


  板书设计:tsunami/ flood/

  More suggestions: make full use of paper/ use both sides of paper

  reuse water

  limit the time of using private cars

  send emails instead of cards

  use less hot water

  always take a shopping bag with you

  drive a bicycle but not e-bicycle



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