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高一英语教案设计:Write a passage by yourselves

2021-01-07 11:20:19 浏览量:

        现代英语所使用的拼写字母,也是完全借用了26个字母。所谓“英语字母”,就是古罗马人在书写时所使用的拼写字母。英语开始以拉丁字母作为拼写系统大约是在公元六世纪盎格鲁撒克逊时代。下面是课件网小编带来的北师大版高一英语Write a passage by yourselves教案设计。

北师大版高一英语Write a passage by yourselves教案设计


  Step 1

  Ss go over the objectives 学生明确了 解本课的学习目标 IW

  Step 2

  Ss think of what should be included when we write about a person 导入:头脑风暴 学生想出有关描写人的文章应包含的内容

  Step 3

  Ss read the article abou t Langlang to get the layout of writing about a person 学生阅读一篇关于朗朗的文章,学习文章的结构 

  Step 4

  Ss read again to find the linking words and expressions 学生细读找出文章中连接词及其在文章中的作用 PW

  Step 5

  Ss work in groups or pairs to share more expressions in describing a person according to the layout 学生小组活动,分享更多有关人物描述的表达 

  Step 6

  Ss learn more expressions given by the teacher.学生学习更多有关表达 

  Step 7

  Ss get to k now the assessment 学生了解作文评价标准 

  Step 8

  T assigns Ss a writing material

  Ss write by themselves 老师给出材料,学生独立完成写作任务 

  Ss assess their writings by themselves according to the given assessment 学生根据评分标注进行自评 IW

  Step 10

  Ss exchange the ir writings to assess 学生互评 

  Step 11

  Ss present their works to the class 学生作品展示

  Homework Po lish your writings by yourselves 完善自己的作文


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