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人教版三年级下册英语教案:Unit5《Do you like pears》

2021-04-29 08:50:39 浏览量:

  春蚕到死丝方尽,人至期颐亦不休,一息尚存须努力,留作青年好范畴。下面是课件范文网小编为您推荐人教版三年级下册英语教案:Unit5《Do you like pears》。

人教版三年级下册英语教案:Unit5《Do you like pears》


  1. 掌握apple和orange的发音,熟悉复数形式apples和oranges

  2. 学会水果单词banana和pear,熟悉其复数形式

  3. 运用句型“Do you like pears?” “Yes, I do. “/ “No, I don’t.” 来询问和表达自己的喜好

  4. 学生能理解并初步运用名词复数形式



  1. 掌握apple、orange的发音以及复数形式的发音

  2. 学会水果单词banana和pear以及其复数的表达

  3. 运用“Do you like pears?” “Yes, I do. “/ “No, I don’t.” 来询问他人和表达自己的喜好


  1. 对名词的复数有初步的认识

  2. oranges的发音

  3. banana的发音




  Step 1 Warm-up

  1. Greeting

  2. Introduce an old friend: Zoom

  3. Enjoy a song: APPLE TREE.

  Q: What can you see in the video? ( Apple )

  Step 2 Presentation

  1. Lead-in to apple(s)

  a. Teach: apple It’s an apple. It’s red.

  b. Learn to say : apples I like apples.

  c. Small dialogue:

  A: Do you like apples?

  B: Yes, I do.

  2. Lead-in to orange(s)

  a. Guess the fruit.

  It’s round. It’s not yellow. ( orange )

  The orange is orange.

  b. Teach oranges

  a). one orange, two oranges, three oranges….

  b). Try to say: Do you like oranges? No, I don’t. (Practice several times)

  c). Students ask and answer

  A: Do you like apples?

  B: Yes, I do. Do you like oranges?

  A: No, I don’t.

  3. Lead-in to banana(s)

  a. T: Look at this fruit. It’s long and it’s yellow. What’s this?

  b. Teach: banana Emphasize the pronunciation “na”

  c. T asks: Do you like bananas?

  4. Lead-in to pear(s)

  bear – pear – pears

  5. Review the words

  apple-apples orange-oranges pear-pears banana-bananas

  Step 3 Practice

  1. Let’s learn (P49)

  a. Listen and repeat.

  b. Read by yourself.

  c. Read to your partner.

  2. Pair work

  a. Review

  Do you like pears/bananas/apples/oranges? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. (On blackboard)

  b. Ask and answer ( A asks B answers B asks C answers…)

  2. Let’s chant

  a. Students find out what Zoom likes to eat

  b. Listen to the tape twice, and try to chant

  Step 4 Consolidation

  Group tasks

  a. Read and find out the missing letters.

  b. Colour the fruit according to the requirements.

  1. Colour the banana yellow. 2. Colour the pear green.

  3. Colour the orange orange. 4. Colour the apple red.

  Step 5 Homework

  1. Listen to the tape and imitate. ( P49)

  2. Read P49 to the group leader.

  3. Trace the four words 3 more times.

  4. Try to find out more words about fruit and draw the fruit on the paper.


  Unit 5 Do you like pears?

  A Let’s learn & Let’s chant


  Do you like oranges ? Yes, I do.

  pears No, I don’t.




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