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小学英语三年级上册Unit 8Unit 8 Happy New Year教学设计

2021-08-13 08:59:52 浏览量:

小学英语三年级上册Unit 8Unit 8 Happy New Year教学设计

  教学内容:三年级上册 Unit 8 Happy New Year! (Fun time and Cartoon time)

  教学目标: 1.知识技能目标:通过学习,让学生能更熟练的运用What’s this/that? It’s a… It’s/This is for you. Thank you. 学会生日祝福:Happy birthday!






  Step 1. Warm up

  1.Free talk

  T: Hello, boys and girls. I’m your new English teacher today. My name is.... You can call me... Let’s begin our class. Class begins.


  I’m very happy today. I want to remember the date--12.18. Oh, New Year Day is coming soon. Happy New Year, boys and girls. Today , we’ll go on learn Unit 8 Happy New Year.

  2.Listen to a song: Happy New Year.

  T:Let’s enjoy a song . If you can sing, please sing loudly.

  Step2 Revision

  1. Review story time

  T: Helen and Mike are very happy too. They get many presents from Uncle John. What do they get? What is for Mike/Helen/Tim?

  Look at the three presen boxes. What’s in the orange box?

  T: Good job! .

  Step 3 Fun time

  1. Play a game

  T: Helen and Mike get many presents. I have some presents too. Do you want to get them? You should play the game well. Say the words loudly and quickly.

  2. Give a model(PPT示范)

  T: Here’s another game for you. Let’s see how to play it.


  4.Practise in groups (分组操练)

  5.Check out.

  Step 4 Learn cartoon time

  1. Watch the cartoon

  T: Bobby and Sam are happy. Let’s watch the cartoon about the last episode of cartoon time.

  It’s the last episode the eighth episode. Let’s watch it!

  Is it funny? Why do you laugh?

  2.Read and talk

  T:Read the story and think about the question.

  Why friends give presnets to Bobby?

  3.Let’s talk

  A.Learn: a toy car

  How many presents does Bobby get?

  What’s the first present?

  B. A jack in the box

  What’s the other present?

  It’s a jack in the box. When you open the box, there is something come out suddenly. Then you’ll be surprised. Do you like the jack in the box?

  4.Reading time

  A.Read after the tape.

  T: Now, let’s read the whole story.

  Open your books at page 53. Follow the tape, try to imitate.

  Tips: 1. 尽量模仿语音语调哦。 2.比一比,谁模仿的更好!

  B. Choose one way to read.

  Read together.

  Read after one.

  Read in roles.


  T: Good reading. Now, let’s act the story. Act in groups.

  Ask one or two groups to act.

  Step 5 Production

  1. Talk about the birthday

  T: What else can we do on birthday?

  Eat noodles / make a wish/ blow out the candles/get presents from friends and relatives/have a party/sing a birthday song...

  2. Culture time

  Know more about birthday

  3.Party time

  T: You all did a good job! Now it’s our party time. If today is your birthday, what happened in the birthday party? Act in groups. You can use these sentences.

  Step 6. Homework

  1. 和爸爸妈妈玩玩课堂上的游戏。

  2. 听、指读Cartoon time并熟练的表演。

  3. 和同学谈谈今天学到的节日祝福语。


  通过歌曲《Happy new year!》让学生进入英语学习氛围。对story time 进行复习,让学生使用What’s this? It’s a… It’s for...句型进行复述。接着从礼物着手,引入Fun time 的学习,复习巩固句型What’s this/that? What colour...? Would you like...?等学过的句型和单词。起到滚动复习的效果,新旧知识整合,真正让学生将所学运用到实际交际中。

  在cartoon time 教学中,直接让学生通过观看卡通,体会其中的笑点。再通过提问的方式一点点剖析,让学生学得轻松自然。注重引导学生联系生活实际,思考问题What do you do on your birthday?由此联想传统的生日习俗,引导学生关注传统习俗,通过Bobby 收到礼物时的反映,向学生介绍中西方生日习俗差异,增强学生文化意识。

  最后通过party time进一步升华,让学生演一演have a birthday party with family or friends, 在情境活动中巩固本课所学新知与句型。



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