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小学三年级英语The tall tree教学设计

2021-08-25 08:37:02 浏览量:

小学三年级英语The tall tree教学设计





  学情分析本节课的授课对象为史家小学三年级学生。他们从一年级开始使用北京版小学英语教材。经过两年多的英语学习,他们能够听懂教师的课堂指令语,能够小组合作进行活动。本年级学生从一年级开始增加绘本阅读,主要阅读了海尼曼系列和学乐出版社的蓝思分级读物,到现在为止大约读完180本原版绘本。绘本的体裁以故事类为主。他们能够用简单的语言进行个人或多人的绘本展示和表演。他们基本没有接触过科普类的非虚构文本。由于本课绘本内容较长、单词量也较多、偏难,比如leopard, harpy eagle, lizard等动物类单词。因此在学习本课前,教师先教授学生常见的动物类生词和方位词,为学生本课的阅读扫清单词障碍。

  教学目标1. 语言知识与综合运用能力:能用this is a good place for….Because …对不同动物在大树不同部位活动的情况及原因进行描述;并能够思考并分析动物在不同部位活动的原因,培养学生的逻辑思维能力。

  2. 阅读素养:学生能够区分虚构文本和非虚构文本;培养学生对于非虚构文本的阅读策略与技巧,增强阅读语篇的能力与获取信息的能力;培养学生合作学习的能力。

  3. 情感态度:培养学生树立动植物和谐共生的意识。

  教学重点1) 能通过阅读文本了解动物在大树不同部位的生活情况。

  2) 能在运用本节课重点句对动物的活动区域进行描述。




  StagesTeaching activities & Interaction patternsPurposeTeaching EvaluationTiming

  I. Warming up

  1. Greetings

  2. Introduce fiction& nonfiction

  3.Brainstorm: Enjoy a video about animals in jungle.(CW)

  To make Ss know the difference of fiction and nonfiction.

  Guide Ss to recall some animal words.

  Ss are able to tell which book is fiction or nonfiction.



  Pre-readingPresent the cover page.

  Q1. What can you see on the cover?

  Q2. Can you give a name for the book?

  Q3. Who is the author?To focus on the cover’s information.

  To make Ss interested in reading the book.

  Ss are able to guess the title and know the authors.1min



  1. Read page 2-7 1. Introduce the three parts of this book.

  2. Let Ss stick the three parts’ phrases on the blackboard.

  3. let Ss read the first part.(CW)

  Q1: What can you see at the top of the tree?(fast reading P2-7)

  4. Lead Ss to read Page2-7.

  Q2: What are the birds doing?

  Q3: Is this a good place for birds?

  Q4: Where is the tree frog?

  Q5: Why is it here?

  Q6: What has the harpy eagle made?

  Q7: Can a tiger catch the nest?

  Q8: Is this a good place for a nest? Why?

  4. Ss listen to part one.To make Ss know the structure of the book.

  To lead Ss skimming part one.

  To lead Ss read the first part intensively. According to the questions, Students can learn how to get information from a nonfiction book.

  To develop students’ thinking ability and skimming strategy.Ss are able to answer teacher’s question and think about the reason that animals live at the top of the tree.5min

  2.Read page8-11,

  page12-151. T:These animals live in the tree too.

  Q: Where do they live? Talk in pairs.(GW)

  2.Jigsaw reading(GW)

  Divide Ss into two groups. They read different part.

  Q: What animals can you see in this part?

  Q: What are they doing?

  Q: Is this a good place for them?

  3. Intensive reading(CW)

  Page 8-11:

  Q: What is the snake doing?(Ss act like a snake and a tree frog)

  Q: Why is it looking at the frog?(Ss act like a snake and a tree frog)

  Q:Is this a good place for a tree frog? Where is a good place for it?

  Q: What is the monkey doing?(Ss act like a monkey)

  Q: Which one is a leopard?(Ss distinct leopard and tiger)

  Q: Where is the leopard?

  Q: What is the leopard doing?

  Q: How long will the sloth sleep?

  Q: Why is the sloth here?

  Page 12-15:

  Q: What animals are here?

  Q: Why are they here?

  Q: Is this a good place for them? Why? (Discuss in pairs)To make Ss guess and analyze animals living places.

  To encourage Ss cooperate with others.

  To develop students’ ability of sorting out the content and analyzing reasons.

  To lead Ss intensive reading.

  Ss are able to talk about other animal live places.

  Ss are able to extract information fast.

  Ss are able to understand the content and tell the reason.

  Ss are able to answer teacher’s questions.

  Ss are able to analyze the reasons.


  IV. Post-reading

  1. Listen and repeat page8-15.(CW)

  2. Do a quiz.(CW)

  3. Game: Where am I?(GW)

  Every group has an envelope. Ss talk about the animal’s living place and the reason, practice the key sentence.

  4. Feedback:

  I am a …

  I live in/at the….of the tree.

  This is a good place for a …

  Because …To check whether they can understand the book well and use key sentence to express the text well.

  To guide Ss analyze questions from different aspects.

  Ss are able to finish the quiz correctly.

  Ss are able to use the key sentence to tell the animals’ living situation.

  Ss are able to express their opinion.10min

  V. Ending 1. Introduce index.

  2. Assign the homework.To make Ss know more about nonfiction books and how they can use index.

  To make Ss understand the text well and strength language. Ss are able to know how to use the index.

  Ss are able to finish the homework well.3min


  Ss: Students T: Teacher IW: Individual Work GW: Group Work CW: Class Work

  Teaching Evaluation: you can use "Ss are able to..."to describe if the sub-aim of the activity is achieved.





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