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必修2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games教案英语课件

2020-09-29 19:22:01 浏览量:


 必修2 Unit 2? The Olympic Games教案


 阅读课 第一课时



 本课教材是以Olympic Games有关的9个问题导入,让学生用已有的知识和经验回答问题,激发学生学习兴趣。然后过渡到古希腊的一位作家来到现代采访一位中国女孩的一篇采访对话式的阅读文章。旨在通过本课教学使学生知道奥运会的起源,宗旨以及比赛项目等相关知识,让学生了解古代奥运会和现代奥运会的异同。


 根据《新课程标准》编写的人教版教材具有话题广泛、活动设计灵活、语言信息量大的特点。因此,教师要灵活且创造性使用教材。笔者在教授本单元之前,让学生在课外先收集古代和现代奥运会的相关信息,以便教师在呈现问题时,学生能轻松答题。接着笔者针对课文呈现出具体问题,以达到对课文的深层次理解。然后,对古代和现代奥运会的特点进行比较归纳,以便更深刻 地理解课文。最后升华主题:讨论假设你为古希腊作家Pausanias或者这位中国女孩,你们相遇时,关于举行完毕的2012伦敦奥运会,你俩会谈论什么内容呢?总之,让学生在阅读和讨论的基础上用英语总结他们的观点,使之更紧扣学生所学知识,以便培养学生整合信息和表达观点的能力。

 三、 学情分析

 1.学生个性和英语水平差异大,教学设计要有梯度,由浅入深,注意层次性。教师要抓住学生的心理, 激发学生的学习兴趣,让他们在学习中学会参与,在参与中学会学习。







 ①掌握重点词汇和短语:honest, medal, gymnasium, stadium, admit, replace, prize, take place, a set of, interview, take part in ,compete for/with, be admitted to

 ②培养学生的阅读策略:skimming, scanning, careful reading以及快速获取信息的能力。





 Step Ⅰ:Pre-reading Activities

 Activity One: Talk about the last Olympic Games

 Show the students the video of the opening ceremony of the 30th Olympic Games held in London in 2012 and ask them to talk about this great event.




 Activity Two Words Study

 Match the words with their definitions:


 )1. ancient A. to accept and agree


 )2. competitor B. a round flat piece of metal given to the winners


 )3. admit C. a building for sports


 )4. medal D. a special hall or room that has equipment for physical exercise


 )5. host? E. a very long time


 )6. stadium? F. instead of another person or thing


 )7. prize G. someone who takes part in a competition


 )8. replace? H. something that is given to someone who is successful or bravery


 )9. gymnasium? I. someone who is good at or often play sports


 )10. athlete? J. to provide the place and everything that is needed



 Activity Three: Group Discussion

 Teacher divides the students into several groups of 4-6 students each to discuss all the questions in Warming Up and Pre-reading. Each student gives the answers that he or she knows. One of the students in each group writes down the answers. At last the teacher asks one group to report their results and other groups ready to supplement.




 StepⅡ: While-reading Activities

 Activity Four: Play the recorder



 Activity Five: Read the text quickly and answer the following questions“T”or “F”

 1. Athletes from all over the world are admitted as competitors every two years.

 2. The Winter Olympics are usually held two years after the Summer Olympics.

 3. The Winter Olympics include these events: running races, horse riding, skiing

 and ice-skating.

 4. Many competitors joined in the Olympic in ancient Greek including slaves and women.

 5. It is a great honor to host the Olympics as to win an Olympic medal.


 通过快速阅读课文,培养学生skimming 略读策略

 Activity Six: Read the text carefully and answer the following questions.

 Q1: How often do the Olympics take place?

 ?Q2: Where is the 2008 Olympics to be held?

 Q3: What is the spirits of the Olympics Games?

 Q4: Why do the people take part in the Olympics Games?

 Q5: How many sports are there in the modern Olympic Games?



 Activity Seven: Read the text more carefully and fill in the blanks with proper words and phrases.

 Ancient and modern Olympics

 The same

 The difference

 Events in the Winter Olympics

 Events in the Summer Olympics

 When are the Summer Olympics held ?

 Who can take part in the Olympics ?

 Who can not take part in the Olympics ?





 Step Ⅲ Post-reading Activity

 ?Activity Eight : Topic Discuss

  2012 London Olympics have been held . If you were Pausanias or the Chinese girl, what would you talk with your partner ?




 ? Activity Nine: Homework

 Read the whole text again and fill in the blanks and then retell it.

 The Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world. There are two kinds of Olympic Games. One is the Summer Olympic Games, and the other is the Winter Olympic Games. Both of them are held every four years. All countries can take part if their athletes reach the standard to be admitted to the games.

 Women are not only allowed to join in but playing a very important role. A special village is built for the competitors to live in , a stadium for competitions , a gymnasium as well as seats for those who watch the games . It’s a great honor to host the Olympic Games . The olive wreath has been replaced by the medals . But it’s still about being able to run faster , jump higher and throw further .




 七、课后 反思




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