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2020-10-16 06:59:52 浏览量:


  1. Ensure appropriate participants at the Meeting. Postpone1 the meeting rather than holding a meeting without critical staff members. 为了提高会议决策效率,需要确保会议关键人员到场。

  2. Involve each participant in actions. This ensures that each participant is invested in the topic of the meeting and in the follow-up. Youll accomplish more results with the whole team pulling than with one dominant2 staff person trying to push everyone else up the hill. 调动所有人的积极性,确保每个与会者都在献计献策。

  3. Be a referee3 and employ a time-keeper. Have one person in the meeting be the slavish time-keeper so you can focus on facilitating, summarizing, clarifying, and just keeping things moving. 严格控制会议时间和节奏,确保议题的讨论顺利进行。

  4. Have a theme. Make it clear why this meeting is happening, why each person is participating at a given time, and then use your agenda to amplify4 how the theme will be explored in each section of the meeting. 引导大家围绕议题展开讨论,防止跑题。

  5. Stay on target. As soon as the needed permission, notification, or task assignment is completed, just move on to the next item. 目标明确,一个问题解决之后立即解决下一个。

  6. Follow up if you have been utilizing5 a project manager or note taker, be sure to use a few minutes at the end for him or her to review any major new projects or action items that were generated in the meeting. 给做会议记要的人几分钟的时间,让其把决议重点重申一下。



  在工作中,为什么有的人工作得心应手,有的人事事不顺这就是道行问题了!那么, 道行高又该怎么表达呢下面就让我们一起来看一看。

  Dave: How did you know I was working for Web Tracker


  Zina: When I was in LA, I met the Web Tracker sales rep.


  Dave: He couldnt have told you. Only a few people at Web Tracker know about me.


  Zina: The sales rep had a green note pad1 just like yours. He said everybody at Web Tracker used them.


  Dave: I cant believe it. I cant believe I fell into your trap.


  Zina: We both may be snakes, Dave, but Im just better at it. Among the snakes, Im the sneakiest.



  1. better at it 道行比较高

  这个片语用better 是因为有两者之间的比较,一般情况下只说 good at it 精于此道。要注意介词只能用at。

  A: I know you are a pianist in your own right.


  B: No. I know how to play the piano. But Im not good at it.


  A: Youre too modest. Youre better at it than many performers.


  2. sales rep 业务代表;rep 代表是representative 的略缩。

  3. fall into ones trap 陷入某人的陷阱


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