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人教版六年级上册英语教案:Unit3《What Are You Going to Do》

2021-04-28 08:48:32 浏览量:

  读书,始读,未知有疑;其次,则渐渐有疑;中则节节是疑。过了这一番,疑渐渐释,以至融会贯通。下面是课件范文网小编为您推荐人教版六年级上册英语教案:Unit3《What Are You Going to Do》.

人教版六年级上册英语教案:Unit3《What Are You Going to Do》


  a.学生能听,说,读,写单词:post card, magazine, dictionary, comic book, newspaper五个单词,并能在日常生活中使用;学生能听懂,会说句型What are you going to do? I’m going to…和When are you going to do? This afternoon…。

  b.学生能够熟练运用What are you going to do? I’m going to…这一句型和听懂,会说以及基本运用When are you going to do? This afternoon…这个句型,进而在实际生活中能够谈论将要做的事情以及将要在什么时候做事情。



  教学难点:单词magazine 和dictionary的发音,熟练运用将来时并区分What和When的问答


  Ⅰ.Warm up

  1.Chant 教师播放Let’s chant.学生跟着录音一起chant。 T: First, let’s warm our bodies. Let’s chant together.

  (设计意图:通过听唱欢快的chant让学生尽快进入英语学习的氛围,复习Part A学过的句型。)

  2. Free talk

  教师走下讲台,提起三到四个同学进行对话。教师用PPT展示动词词组 T: Hello, … S: Hello, Mr Hu

  T: What are you going to do tomorrow/this weekend…? S: I’m going to …….

  (设计意图:通过师生间自由回话复习Part A学过的一般将来时的句型,也为下面情境导入学习做准备。)


  1.老师问全体学生: Do you like reading books? Where are you going to buy books? Ss: In the bookstore.

  T: What kinds of books can you buy in a bookstore? Who can tell me?

  Ss: Storybooks, English books, notebooks, magazine…….

  T: You can buy some novels, too. You can buy novels written by“莫言”.

  The literature of 2012 Nobel winner(诺贝尔文学奖)


  2.Learn new words

  (1)We can also buy some things else in the bookstore. Do you know what they are? I say ,you guess.

  教师边在黑板上画出简笔画问:It’s made of paper ,we can look up many new words. It’ thick. It is helpful to us. What’s this?

  Ss: It’s a dictionary(字典).

  教师在简笔画旁写出单词。学生模仿发音。强调tion 的发音。

  (2)T: It’s made of paper. When New Year’s Day is coming, we often send them to our friends. And give our best wishes to our friends. What is it? Ss: It’s a postcard(明信片)

  PPT展示post card 并且教授新词.呈现并且板书句子

  (3)教师再在黑板上画出简笔画漫画书,然后问: It’s made of paper. There are many pictures in it. What’s this in English ?

  Ss: It’s a comic book. T:How do you spell? Ss: C-O- M-I-C comic

  (强调o与i 的发音,并让学生用手默写下来,做到及时掌握。)

  (4) Let’s guess again. It’s made of paper. It’s large. We can read news it it. What’s this in English?(教师拿出一份报纸) Ss: It’s a newspaper.

  教师解释拼写由new—news+ paper.—newspaper单词较长,学生记忆有困难时,想办法解决。及时板书,领读 教师用同样方法教授magazine.



  (1)So many wonderful books, We can get much knowledge from them. What are you going to buy in the bookstore?

  S1.I am going to buy comic booking in the bookstore.

  S2:I am going to buy a dictionary in the bookstore.

  S3: I’m going to buy a newspaper in the bookstore. S4:I am going to buy,,.

  When New Year’s Day comes,




  (2)T: All of you like reading books. Well done! When are you going ?

  S1: This afternoon.

  T: He is going to buy a book in the bookstore, (对一个学生):What about you?”

  Let’s ask her together: When are you going? S2:This Sunday.


  (3)教师出示自学指导:Boys and girls, ask and answer like this, using the words in the bank.

  Let’s learn

  T:What is Mike going to buy in the bookstore? When is he going? Listen and find the answer.

  (1)listen and answer.

  (2)Listen and repeat.

  (3)Practice in pairs.

  (设计意图由于单词已经学完,让学生带着问题来听,来模仿朗读,来回答问题。让学生时刻对英语有兴趣。并且做到单词放在句中练习,做到词不离句。) Ⅲ.Practise

  T: Look, this is a bookstore. There are many books here. What are you going to buy?


  --What are you going to do? --I’m going to _________ --When are you going? -- ___________.

  Words bank

  1.magazine comicbook newspaper dictionary post card….

  2.Tomorrow tonight this evening this afternoon next week….

  What are you going to do?

  I’m going to buy an English book in the book store.

  T: It’s made of paper. When New Year’s Day is coming, we often send them to our friends. And give our best wishes to our friends. What is it? Ss: It’s a postcard(明信片)

  PPT展示post card 并且教授新词.呈现并且板书句子

  教师再在黑板上画出简笔画漫画书,然后问: It’s made of paper. There are many pictures in it. What’s this in English ?

  Ss: It’s a comic book. T:How do you spell? Ss: C-O- M-I-C comic

  (强调o与i 的发音,并让学生用手默写下来,做到及时掌握。)

  Let’s guess again. It’s made of paper. It’s large. We can read news it it. What’s this in English?(教师拿出一份报纸) Ss: It’s a newspaper.

  教师解释拼写由new—news+ paper.—newspaper单词较长,学生记忆有困难时,想办法解决。及时板书,领读 教师用同样方法教授magazine.

  (设计意图:教师展示书店以及各种图书的图片,引导学生用I’m going to buy...来表达自己打算买的图书。通过“你呼我应”游戏进行操练,让学生在具体的选书情境中对所学的词句进行巩固。)

  Ⅳ. Production


  Can I help you?

  Yes. I’m going

  to buy some comic books.

  Herethey are!

  Thank you.


  Ⅵ. Homework

  1. Copy the new words.






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