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英语高二上册教学设计:《Unit 2 Continuous learning》

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英语高二上册教学设计:《Unit 2 Continuous learning》






  ① 观点简明扼要;

  ② 至少用一个事例支撑;

  ③ 重申观点,不重复语言。



  4.课程标准高中阶段基本素材Changes and development以及呈现形式Letters在本堂课“Should parents accompany their children to school on the first day?”的表达观点类信件中得以体现。









  第一课时: reading阅读教学。学生明确文本特征:针对家教中心这一社会现象表达观点的信件;了解如何通过描述作者亲身经历支持论据论点的写作手法;归纳如何针对既定话题表达观点、论据的文章结构。


  第三课时,more reading阅读词汇教学。学生了解什么是自主学习,自主学习两个范例:函授课程和网络课程的学习材料和学习方式以及自主学习的条件和收获。通过词汇学习,基本掌握了it is convenient for sb. to do, adapt ...to..., receive a real sense of achievement and satisfaction等核心短语句型的用法。

  第四课时,即本课时的重点是写作教学,确定的课题为Writing: Argumentative Letters—— How to support the argument with experiences。学生通过教材中相关文本的学习和深入研读,明确观点类信件的文章结构。在新的情境(Should parents accompany their children to school on the first day?)中,观察、思考、分析如何用个人的生活经历支撑观点,获得读者的共鸣。







  Unit 2 Writing: Argumentative Letters

  —— How to support the argument with experiences

  Teaching Material:

  Oxford English (Shanghai Edition), S2A, Module 1, Unit 2, Writing: Argumentative letters

  Teaching Objectives:

  At the end of the class, students are expected to be able to

  1. write an argumentative letter either for or against the topic — “ Should parents accompany their children to school on the first high school day?” in three sections: state their main argument, support their argument with at least one experience and state their conclusion;

  2. describe their experiences and feelings on the first high school day with related words and phrases such as accompany sb., get settled in the dormitories, deal with all the enrollment procedures, etc.;

  3. support their arguments through relevant and persuasive experiences; arouse the awareness of being independent and being grateful at a new stage of their life.

  Teaching Method:

  Communicative Teaching and Learning; Task-based Approach

  Teaching Aids: Multimedia, a writing board and an overhead-projector

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Pre-writing

  Interactive Task 1: the structure of an argumentative letter

  *Teacher: Remind students of three sections of an argumentative letter.

  *Students: Conclude the three sections of an argumentative letter.

  Purpose: to clarify the structure of an argumentative letter

  Guided Questions:

  1. What are the three sections of an argumentative letter?

  2. How do the writers support their arguments?

  Interactive Task 2: a close study of the sample writing

  *Teacher: Help them learn how to support the argument with relevant and persuasive experiences.

  *Students: Read the sample writing on page 27 in the textbook and identify the writer’s opinion

  and his main argument.

  Locate the key word(s) in his argument.

  Find out how the writer supports the key word.

  Find the writer’s comment on such experiences.

  Purpose: to learn to support the argument persuasively

  Guided Questions:

  1. What is the writer’s opinion on “Tutorial Center”? And why?

  2. What is the key word(s) of the writer’s argument?

  3. How “busy” is John’s cousin?

  4. How does John feel about such experiences?

  5. What do these experiences lead John to believe?

  II. While — writing

  Interactive Task 3: the Beginning and Body Paragraph

  *Teacher: Introduce the topic: “Should parents accompany their children on the first high school


  Collect students’ arguments and feelings and then classify them into“for” and “against”


  Help students practice how to link their experiences to their main arguments.

  *Students: Share experiences, feelings and arguments in pairs.

  Have a summary by linking their experiences to their main arguments.

  Write the first and second paragraph.

  Purpose: to direct students’ opinions and argument, elicit their experiences and feelings and then

  organize the first and second paragraph.

  Guided Questions:

  1. Did your parents accompany you on your first high school day?

  2. What did your parents or you do then and there?

  3. How did you feel on your first high school day?

  4. What do these experiences lead you to believe?

  Interactive Task 4: Improvement

  *Teacher: Share some drafts and guide the whole class to improve them.

  *Students: Offer advice on how to improve the given drafts.

  Improve their own drafts by following the example.

  Purpose: to monitor and improve the outcome

  Guided Questions:

  1.Does the writing include the opinion, main argument, experiences , feelings and summary ?

  2. Are all the experiences relevant to the main argument? How about the summary?

  Interactive Task 5: the Conclusion

  *Teacher: Comment on students’ experiences and feelings on their first high school day.

  *Students: Listen and think.

  Purpose: to arouse the awareness of being independent and being grateful at a new stage of their life.

  V. Assignment

  Complete and polish your first draft with the help of the self-checklist. Write at least 120 words. Students who can add one more argument with experiences are highly appreciated.


  本课以S2A Unit 2 Writing: Argumentative Letters为内容,聚焦how to support main argument with experiences. 写作话题为:Should parents accompany their children on the first high school day?


  1. 写作是一个decision-making的过程,贯穿立场观点的选择,写作材料的选择,词汇句型的选择等等,而这一切都需要学生的全程参与和体悟。本课关注这样一个写作过程的指导,通过师生、生生共同交流,并留出足够的时间与空间,让学生产出beginning and body paragraph的写作初稿,做出较为合理的修改与润色。

  2. 写作话题来源于学生真实生活:“高中第一天报到日是否需要父母的陪伴?”,关注课标中的主题changes and development,并采用Letters这一较为亲近的交流呈现形式,使得比较严肃的话题自然地与学生真实生活体悟相结合,这样,写作产出才能够做到有话可说、有理可据、有感可发。

  3. 充分关注学生的写作基础,尊重学生真实的英语写作能力,依托教材与师生、生生交流,给与学生在写作过程中需要的内容、语言、结构支持,帮助学生克服写作过程中可能遇到的困难:







  1. 通过例文学习写作结构这一环节,教师如果能够组织学生小组学习并总结写作结构,然后师生、生生交流呈现学习结果,这样不仅能够大大提高教学效率,而且能够有效促进学生自主学习文章结构,这个过程本身就是一个鼓励学生勇于面对挑战的过程;




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