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2020-10-16 07:35:29 浏览量:



  如何把握住问题的要点,猜透老外老板的问题,给出漂亮的回答,是面试的重要环节。来自EF英孚教育Career Service部总监及资深职业规划顾问铁芸女士一直致力于帮助学员规划职业生涯,成功找到自己理想中的工作。以下就是她对于面试中常见问题的回答方面的一些建议,希望能够给您一些启示,助您顺利拿到聘书。

  1.Tell me about yourself.

  这是一个面试问题中的经典开题。这个问题主要考察求职者的个性是否符合公司的企业文化,所以回答的时候要尽量贴近这个公司的情况来推销自己的特点。比如这个公司是属于汽车行业,那么你就该回答:Driving is my hobby. I really love the feeling of driving on the road. Cars are my best friends. . 总之就是要找到自己跟这个公司的一个切合点,让面试官了解你充分适合这个环境。

  2. What are your three greatest strengths

  回答这个问题的时候不可以含混不清,不可以只是简单回答 Im really organized, punctual and get along well with others. 简洁、精炼,找到这个公司所看重的特长,是回答这个问题的关键。比如要应聘金融行业,可是说 I think my three biggest strengths are details-oriental, patient and cautious1. 但是如果应聘者是一个销售精英,可以说:I think my biggest strengths are that I am aggressive, hard working and communicative.总之,需要考虑到应聘公司及职务的需要来选择表现自己的优势。

  3. What are your three greatest weaknesses

  能够为公司增值永远是老板的最爱,老板都愿意找到一个了解、热爱工作,并能够为公司创造价值的员工。所以不要很诚实的把自己的毛病暴露出来,而是要策略的选择一些能够为自己加分的缺点。比如:I am a perfectionist and I pay very much attention to details.

  4. Why are you interested in working for our company

  这个问题主要考察应聘者是否对这个工作进行了了解,或者是否真正有兴趣,所以需要围绕整个公司的具体情况来回答,让面试官知道你很清楚这个公司的运营模式,以及对这项工作非常积极。因此不要以It seemed like a good career move.或是 I havent been able to find anything else interesting.为开始。如果能有一些实际问题回答的话,就会更大的加分。应聘者可以这样:I read an article in the newspaper and was very impressed by...但是前提是你必须真的对这家公司作了研究,同时也要注意,不要让面试官觉得你是为了讨好面试官而言过其实,这样只会适得其反。

  5. Why did you leave your last job

  跳槽的原因可能是上一份工作非常糟糕,但是面试并不是适合抱怨的场合。而且千万不要对现有或是过去的雇主或同事进行这样的评论:I didnt agree with the companys direction.I got no recognition2 for my work.My boss was totally unreasonable3. 要从自身发展的角度出发来回答:I loved my last job and really learned a lot from it, but I needed a new platform and more room to succeed in my career. 总之,要让面试官知道,以前的公司在你的眼中并非一钱不值,你是怀着感激来评价他们的。

  6. If we hire you, how long will you stay with us

  这个问题是老板想知道你会不会像离开上一份工作那样很快的也离开这里,可以这样回答:As long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance at a pace with my abilities. 这样就告诉老板,你是希望同公司一起成长,不会轻易的离开。

  7. Tell me about a difficult time at your previous job.

  听到这个问题,应聘者可能会有些摸不透面试官到底想知道什么,而不知道怎么回答。其实这个时候他是想知道你过去的工作中有过什么特别的例子,来展示你有解决各项复杂问题的能力。这时,最好能提前准备一张优秀的成绩单, 上面清楚的表明你处理过的问题的列表,告诉他你有能力解决任何困难,这一点至关重要。

  8. Do you have any questions for me

  这也是一个面试中经典的结束问题,测试应聘者是否真正对这份工作真正有兴趣与热爱,此时应该询问具体的问题以显示应聘者非常了解该公司,对未来的工作有很多的期待和好主意,充分表示热情。应聘者一定要提前准备很多有关这个公司具体情况的问题,最好能够涉及到他们业务上取得的成绩,比如说:I learned that your company has seen tremendous growth in recent years. Im keen to know how you created such success.你需要表现出对这个公司浓厚的兴趣,到了这时,基本上一张聘书就到手了



  Celia: Shall Ipunch outfor you, Rose Im leaving now.

  Rose: No, thanks. Ive got to work overtime2.

  Celia: But today is Friday. Youre not going to work overtime on Friday evening, are you

  Rose: Well, I am. Ill have to finish this report for next Mondays meeting...Is Ted3 coming to pick you up

  Celia: No. Well meet at my house. He invited my family to spend the weekend with his family at their villa4.

  Rose: Thats nice. Where is his villa

  Celia: Its not his villa, but his fathers. I think its somewhere in Florida. Im not sure myself.

  Rose: Sometimes I envy you a lot. Ted is a good guy.

  Celia: Come on. You just havent met the right person. And I think that you work too much. You should learn how to entertain yourself and enjoy your life.

  Rose: I know, but I am aworkaholic.

  Celia: Well, suit yourself! Ive got to run now.

  Rose: Have a nice weekend!

  Celia: You too.... Oh, I forgot to tell you one thing. A guy called this afternoon. He said he was your ex-boyfriend. He wanted you to call him back.

  Rose: Did he mention anything else

  Celia: No, nothing else.... See you Monday.

  Rose: See you.


  1. to punch1 out 同 clock out (off) 指下班打卡签退。反之为punch in、clock in (on),上班打卡签到。

  2. workaholic n. 工作狂


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